感謝各位會員及理, 監事能撥空參與今年度在台中舉辦的學術研討會。澄清醫院葉守正主任以及學會理事和秘書處諸位同仁幾個月來的用心規畫和節目安排,預料會在這兩天會有著豐富, 圓滿的呈現,我們衷心感謝他們的辛勞與付出。
葉主任與學會秘書處一齊努力策畫年會節目的同時,這幾個月學會也曾多次與醫政, 醫保各部門長官針對各項腦中風議題持續溝通,並主動提出多項平等互惠, 高可行性的建議案。我本人更代表學會,連袂跟神經學學會彭理事長列席急重症緊急醫療照護能力分級研修委員會的會議,當場倡言腦中風醫療評鑑及照護品質必須落實團隊合作的模式來進行,不能長期讓神經科醫師單獨承受不對等的工作壓力 ; 畢竟,受評的對象是醫院,並非醫師個人,世上那有臨床醫師必須極力央求或慫恿病患施打rt-PA,只力圖讓院方順利通過評鑑而罔顧治療本身仍存有安全疑慮的道理 ?
至於醫療服務費用的給付問題,我們學會與台灣神經學學會共擬的rt-PA施打合理費用試算表已經正式行文至健保署,署方與我會代表在會議後也有了合理的回應 ; 至於rt-PA Dosing 的疑惑,食藥署也正式行文本會,邀請學會代表針對現行仿單共同研議磋商,我會的版本也大部分被署方認可採納。接下來,腦中風相關的PAC復健及照顧品質問題,學會也會密切注意,並以積極的態度介入,就牽涉之議題主動來表達本會之意見與立場,期待在法, 理, 情兼顧之原則下,與其他友會, 團體和醫, 衛政府部門共同合作,讓台灣的腦中風病患得到更妥善的醫療照護。
國際學術及研究交流原本就是本會成立的主軸目標之一,更是確保本會活動力和維持與多國友人, 同好良善互動的重要途徑。先前的理事長胡漢華和李宗海教授分別在促進海峽兩岸及亞太地區的交流活動,貢獻良多且建樹豐盛,我們的學會將承續歷年來的發展軸向,大力贊助或主導腦中風的研究,尤其是跨領域或跨國界的腦中風研究案。任何研究案本質上既是競爭又是合作,但是委由學會這個平台來主導,理應不會存在腦中風研究憑空又衍生出排他性或獨佔性的疑惑。此後未來兩年,本人擔任APSO秘書長的任期內,自當強化台灣與對岸和亞太國家之間的國際學術研究及醫務, 醫療交流,積極研擬在短期內能立杆見影的可行方案,並深入到腦中風之CME及Nursing Care 領域。
青壯輩神經科醫師投入腦中風領域意願不高是本會未來發展的隱憂,為了扭轉這個頹勢,大會主席葉守正常務理事可真是費煞不少苦心,除了安排大師級國際學者與會演講,更將各地病友會, 個案管理師聯誼會和腦中風聯誼會之活動納入節目安排,希望能透過輕鬆, 和樂的氛圍,將教育, 研究及未來願景融入年輕輩神經科醫師或護理師的心坎,或能為台灣腦中風領域相關之服務與研究,注入更多的新血和活力。再次感謝葉主任與澄清醫院團隊的辛勞與付出。
今日,各位的蒞臨,應是對承辦單位澄清醫院葉主任團隊及本會的最佳行動支持。最後,再次謝謝所有理事, 監事以及秘書處同仁的辛勞,敬祝大家身體健康,萬事如意,並預祝本次研討會一切順利, 圓滿。
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As we know, the burden of stroke is worldwide and becomes an even more urgent health care issue due to the acceleration of society aging around the world. The disease per se, manifests a large variety of aspects in clinical practice, i.e, the effective emergent treatment, rehabilitation plan, post-acute and continuing care, and each means “socio-economic” burden in any other way.
To reduce the impact of stroke, the collaboration of government and private sectors is a “must” which, however, may not necessarily guarantee the good clinical outcome as well as good care quality after stroke .The idea of allied care is tremendously important and should be always kept in mind, so is as true for the development of high-techs or top-skills in interventional therapy. Vascular neurologists are obliged to work closely with experts and professionals from other supporting societies or associations, not to mention to initiate the dialogue with government sectors, setting up together the “right” health care policy for stroke management.
In this meeting, the distinguished investigators and experts from abroad and locals will share with each other the precious experiences in managing stroke, which in turn help all of us to improve the quality of stoke management in clinical practice. Young staff and allied health professionals would surely benefit much from these invited speeches, workshops, oral presentations and poster sessions during the 2-day programme.
On behalf of Taiwan Stroke Society, I thank the local organizing for all their efforts in making this annual meeting an outstanding one. But, with your participation, we all share the joy of experience exchanges both in scientific programmes and social events. With my hearty regards to all of you , and hope you enjoy the wonderful stay in Taichung and in Taiwan !
Sincerely Yours,
![]() Ruey-Tay Lin, MD President, Taiwan Stroke Society Dr.(Professor), Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University & Hospital |
各位先進, 各位醫師:
台灣腦中風學會一Ο四年度年會併東亞腦中風論壇的聯席會議,於一Ο四年十一月七, 八日(星期六下午, 星期日一天),假台中日月千禧酒店舉行,我們代表中部主辦單位竭誠歡迎您的參加。
104年11月7日(星期六) | |||
時間 | Room A (5F會議室) | Room B (5F會議室) | B2F (宴會廳) |
08:00 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | 註冊報到 |
08:30 |
教育演講1 8:30-10:00 病例分享 |
教育演講2 8:30-10:00 腦中風血管介入性治療 |
10:00 | Break | Break | |
10:30 |
教育演講3 10:30-12:00 臨床治療 I |
教育演講4 10:30-12:00 腦中風神經影像 |
12:00 |
Lunch symposium 12:00-13:30 輝瑞 |
Lunch symposium 12:00-13:30 大塚 |
13:30 |
專題演講 13:30-14:30 Prof. Marc Fisher |
14:30 | Break | ||
15:00 |
教育演講5 15:00-16:30 臨床治療 II-A |
教育演講5 15:00-16:30 臨床治療 II-B |
學術演講2 15:00-17:00 遠距醫療 |
16:30 |
學術演講3 16:30-18:30 口頭論文發表 優秀論文獎論文發表 壁報論文 (Room C, 5F) |
教育演講6 16:30-18:00 中風外科治療 |
18:30 |
晚宴 (台中日月千禧飯店B2F宴會廳) (頒發優秀論文獎, 摸彩) |
104年11月8日(星期日) | |||
時間 | Room A (5F會議室) | Room B (5F會議室) | B2F (宴會廳) |
08:00 |
註冊報到 Coffee Break |
08:30 |
東亞中風論壇 8:30-11:30 |
09:30 |
病友會 9:30-11:00 |
11:30 | 會員大會 | ||
12:00 |
Lunch symposium 12:00-13:30 諾華 |
Lunch symposium 12:00-13:30 百靈佳 |
13:30 |
專題演講 13:30-14:20 Ken Nagata, M.D., Ph.D. |
14:30 |
學術演講5 14:30-15:50 血管性認知功能缺損 |
教育演講7 14:30-16:30 臨床治療 III |
教育演講8 14:30-17:00 神經超音波 |
16:00 |
學術演講6 16:00-17:30 年輕學者研究論壇 |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
病例分享 Continuing Medical Education of Stroke Cases |
主題 | 動脈型中風 |
座長 | 陳昌明 |
8:30–8:48 |
一位五十歲男性不明原因腦幹中風 A 50-year-old man with brainstem stroke of undetermined etiology 徐瑞彣 台北榮民總醫院神經內科 Ruei-Wun Hsu Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital |
8:48–9:06 |
一位八十歲男性合併腸胃道出血, 急性意識不清及左側肢體無力 A 80-year-old male who had active GI bleeding sustained acute consciousness disturbance and left hemiplegia 薛學文, 湯頌君, 鄭建興 台大醫院神經部暨腦中風中心 Hseuh-Wen Hsueh Stroke center & Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital |
主題 | 心源性中風 |
座長 | 林宏昇 |
9:06–9:24 |
一個有心房震顫的老人發生缺血性腦中風 An elderly patient with atrial fibrillation developed acute ischemic stroke 蔡羿德, 陳志弘 國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院 神經部 Yi-Te Tsai Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital |
9:24-9:42 |
一位病人發生急性口齒不清, 嗆咳, 及右側無力 A case of acute onset of slurred speech, easy chocking and right limbs weakness 林惠甄1, 劉嘉為1,2 1高雄長庚醫院神經內科, 2高雄長庚醫院神經內科腦中風中心 Yun-Ru Lai Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital |
主題 | 腦靜脈栓塞 |
座長 | 崔源生 |
9:42–10:00 |
一位發炎性腸道疾病的女性合併急性頭痛 A female patient with inflammatory bowel disease and acute headache 白晏瑋1, 潘思延2, 陳柏霖1, 崔源生2 1台中榮總神經內科, 2台中榮總神經外科 Yen-Wei Pai Neurological Institute, Taichung Veterans General Hospital |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
臨床治療 I Clinical Practice I |
座長 | 許弘毅 |
10:30–10:55 |
表現出類急性中風的臨床病症 Clinical Situations Mimicking Acute Stroke 張健宏 林口長庚紀念醫院神經內科系腦血管科 Chien-Hung Chang Section of Vascular Disorder, Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou Medical Center |
10:55–11:20 |
缺血性中風的抗血小板藥物治療 Guidelines Update 2015: Antiplatilet treatment in ischemic stroke 陳柏霖 台中榮民總醫院神經醫學中心中風中心 Po-Lin Chen Stroke Center, Neurological Institute, Taichung Veterans General Hospital |
座長 | 巫錫霖 |
11:20–11:45 |
腦中風後動作障礙疾病 Post-stroke movement disorders 張永義 高雄長庚紀念醫院 帕金森病中心, 高雄長庚紀念醫院神經內科 Yung-Yee Chang Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital |
座長 | 劉崇祥/巫錫霖 |
11:45–12:00 |
綜合討論 Discussion |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
Luncheon Symposium | |
12:00-12:10 |
Opening and Introduction 劉崇祥 |
座長 | 劉崇祥 |
12:10-12:40 |
New Landscape of SPAF Management - Perspectives from Neurologist 陳志弘 國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院 神經部 Chih-Hung Chen Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital |
座長 | 巫錫霖 |
12:40-13:10 |
The Choice for SPAF Treatment- Perspective from Clinical Cardiologist 邱俊仁 新光醫院 心臟內科 Chiung-Zuan, Chiu Department of Cardiology, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital |
13:10-13:30 |
Panel Discussion 巫錫霖/劉崇祥 |
13:30 |
Closing Remarks 巫錫霖 |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
臨床治療 II-A Clinical Practice II-A |
座長 | 顏得楨 |
15:00-16:00 |
中風後癲癇的長期治療: 考慮抗癲癇用藥的療效及心血管風險的平衡 Long-term treatment of post stroke seizures : Considering the balance of AED efficacy and CV risk 莊曜聰 高雄長庚紀念醫院 Yao-Chung Chuang Kaohsiung Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital |
座長 | 李宗海 |
16:00-16:15 |
AF中風預防最佳化:NOACs臨床益處 Optimizing Stroke Prevention in AF: the Benefits of NOACs Vincent Thijs Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Astralia |
座長 | 巫錫霖 |
16:15-16:30 |
NOACs 亞洲安全策略 Asian strategy for lower doses of NOACs 連立明 新光吳火獅紀念醫院神經科 Lien, Li-Ming Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
腦中風血管介入性治療 Endovascular therapy for stroke |
座長 | 陳啟仁 |
8:30-9:10 |
聯合使用機械取栓及血管成形術治療伴有重度基礎狹窄的急性椎基底動脈閉塞:一項來自中國的單中心經驗報道 Mechanical thrombectomy for Combined use of mechanical thrombectomy with angioplasty and stenting for acute basilar occlusions with underlyingsevere intracranial vertebrobasilar stenosis–Preliminary Experience from a Single Chinese Centre 高峰;繆中榮等 首都醫科大學附屬北京天壇醫院介入神經病學科 Gao Feng Department of Interventional Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital |
座長 | 翁文章 |
9:10-9:50 |
經動脈血栓去除術治療大動脈阻塞急性缺血性腦中風:單一醫學中心早期經驗 Early single center experience with endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke due to large artery occlusion 嚴寶勝1,3, 廖春函1, 黃虹瑜2, 郭育呈2,3, 蔡崇豪2,3 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 1放射線部 , 2神經部 , 3中國醫藥大學醫學系 Pao-Sheng Yen Department of Radiology, China Medical University Hospital |
座長 | 陳啟仁/翁文章 |
9:50-10:00 |
綜合討論 Discussion |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
腦中風神經影像 Neuroimaging of stroke |
座長 | 胡朝榮 |
10:30-11:10 |
急慢性腦中風之神經影像進展 Advanced neuroimaging in acute and chronic ischemic stroke 陳啟仁1,2,3 1臺北醫學大學, 2部立雙和醫院影像醫學部, 3部立嘉義醫院 Chi-Jen Chen1,2,3 1Taipei Medical University, 2Department of Medical Imaging, Shang Ho Hospital, 3Cha-Yi Hospital |
座長 | 陳龍 |
11:10-11:50 |
動物磁振造影於中風急性期之研究 Investigation of Acute Stroke-Studies of small animal MRI 高瑀絜 台北醫學大學醫學院轉譯影像研究中心 Yu-Chieh Jill Kao Translational Imaging Research Center, Taipei Medical University |
座長 | 胡朝榮/陳龍 |
11:50-12:00 |
綜合討論 Discussion |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
Luncheon Symposium Antiplatelet Therapies for 2nd Stroke Prevention: minimizing risk, maximizing benefit |
座長 | 林瑞泰 |
12:30-12:40 | Welcome Greeting |
座長 | 李宗海 |
12:40-13:05 |
Japan Antiplatelet Guideline 2015 for Ischemic Stroke Koji Abe, MD, PhD Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama University |
座長 | 葉守正 |
13:05-13:20 |
天平的兩端?談腦梗塞復發與出血風險的衡量 The tradeoff between re-infarction and hemorrhage? 林浚仁 Chun-Jen Lin Department of Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan |
座長 | 彭家勛 |
13:20-13:30 |
Closing Remarks |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
臨床治療 II-B Clinical Practice II-B |
座長 | 葉守正 |
15:00-15:30 |
Dapagliflozin體重減低有利血糖血壓控制 Dapagliflozin-induced Weight Loss affects 24-week HbA1c and Blood Pressure 陳宗瀛 光田綜合醫院醫療副院長, 心臟內科主治醫師 Chung-yin Chen Division of Cardiology, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Kuang-Tien General Hospital |
座長 | 李建德 |
15:30-16:30 |
新型抗凝藥物於心房顫動中風預防的真實世界證據 Address the “Real” Issues for AF Stroke Prevention: Overview on Real World Evidence for NOACs 張健宏 臺灣林口長庚醫院腦中風中心病房主任,林口長庚腦血管科主任 Chien-Hung Chang Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkous |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
中風外科治療的探討 Controversies in surgical treatment of stroke |
座長 | 關暟麗/李宗海 |
16:30-16:48 |
先天性頸內動脈發育不全之診斷與治療 Diagnosis and treatment options of congenital internal carotid artery hypoplasia 羅揚嵐, 楊順泰 羅東博愛醫院神經外科, 雙和醫院神經外科 Yan-Lan Lo, Shun-Tai Yang Department of neurosurgery of Po-Ai hospital, Department of neurosurgery of Shuang Ho hospital |
16:48-17:06 |
成人出血性毛毛樣血管病變的治療策略探討 Treatment strategy for hemorrhagic moyamoya disease in adult patients 楊道杰 台中慈濟醫院神經外科 Tao-Chieh Yang The Department of Neurosurgery, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hosipital, Taichung Branch |
座長 | 巫錫霖/林志隆 |
17:06-17:24 |
缺血性腦中風之治療近況 Management of acute ischemic stroke: Update from a dual-trained cerebrovascular neurosurgeon 崔源生 台中榮民總醫院神經外科 Yuang-Seng Tsuei Division of Neuroendovascular surgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung |
17:24-17:42 |
惡性大中風手術治療之神經功能預後及手術時機探討 Functional outcome and surgical timing of decompressive craniectomy in malignant large infarction 林子淦 林口長庚醫院神經外科 Tzu-Kang Lin Neurosurgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital |
座長 | 劉祥仁/劉崇祥 |
17:42-18:00 |
綜合討論 Discussion |
(B2F宴會廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
專題演講 Keynote Speech |
座長 | 林瑞泰/胡漢華 |
13:30-14:30 |
Developing novel stroke therapies to enhance and complement current reperfusion therapy Professor Marc Fisher Emeritus Professor of Neurology, University of Massachusetts Medical School Senior Lecturer of Neurology, Harvard Medical School |
(B2F宴會廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
遠距醫療於腦中風照護的應用 Telemedicine in Stroke Management |
座長 | 鄭建興/柯德鑫 |
15:00–15:30 |
RP-Robot for Telemedicine Across the Care Continuum Tim Wright Vice President, Corporate and Marketing Strategy of In Touch Health, USA |
15:30–16:00 |
遠距醫療應用於急性腦中風處置:快速反應, 照護提升 Telestroke for Acute Stroke Management: taking action toward optimal stroke care 尹居浩 振興醫療財團法人振興醫院神經內科中風中心 Jiu-Haw Yin Stroke center, Department of Neurology, Cheng-Hsin General Hospital |
座長 | 陳俊榮/邱浩彰 |
16:00-16:30 |
智慧醫療: 遠距健康管理服務 Medical intelligent: Telemedicine in health management service 唐德沛, 蘇哲能 屏東民眾醫院(前衛生署遠距醫療辦公室主任) De-Pei Tang Minjon Hospital, Ping Tong |
16:30-17:00 |
遠距醫療照護的困境與挑戰:振興醫院的經驗 Telemedicine care dilemma and challenge: experience of Cheng Hsin General Hospital 陳冠群 振興醫療財團法人振興醫院 心臟醫學中心 心臟內科 Kuan-Chun Chen Department of Cardiology, Heart Center, Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
Luncheon Symposium | |
座長 | 邱浩彰 |
12:30-12:35 | Welcome Greeting |
12:35-13:00 |
Hypertension and stroke: the benefits of optimal treatment intensification 孫穆乾 彰基醫療體系 中風中心 執行長 Mu-Chien Sun Chief Executive, Stroke Center, Changhua Christian Healthcare System |
座長 | 陳偉熹 |
13:00-13:25 |
糖尿病中風患者之降血糖藥物的選擇 Selection of antidiabetic pharmacotherapy in diabetic stroke patients 陳廷耀 高雄 長庚醫院 腦血管科 Teng-Yeow Tan Division of Cerebrovascular Disease, Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung |
13:25-13:30 |
Closing Remarks |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
血管性認知功能缺損 Vascular Cognitive Impairment |
座長 | 胡朝榮 |
14:30–14:50 |
血管性認知功能缺損之診斷標準 Diagnosis Criteria of Vascular Cognitive Impairment 陳達夫 台大醫院神經部 Ta-Fu Chen Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital |
座長 | 劉嘉為 |
14:50-15:10 |
血管性認知功能缺損之神經影像學 Neuroimaging of Vascular cognitive impairment 楊淵韓 高雄醫學大學高雄市立大同醫院神經科 Yuan-Han,Yang Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University |
座長 | 劉崇祥 |
15:10-15:30 |
認知和行為混亂在血管性認知障礙的特點 Characteristics of Cognition and Behavior Disturbances in Vascular Cognitive Impairment 王文甫 彰化基督教醫院 神經醫學部 Wenfu Wang Department of neurology, Changhua Christian Hospital |
座長 | 林永煬 |
15:30-15:50 |
血管性認知功能障礙的預防與治療 Prevention and treatment of vascular cognitive impairment 官怡君 雙和醫院 Yi-Chun Kuan Department of Neurology, Taipei Medical University–Shuang Ho Hospital |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
年輕學者研究論壇 Young Scholar Research Forum |
座長 | 陳尚德/湯頌君 |
16:00–16:20 |
經顱直流電刺激對中風後運動皮質之調控 Modulation of the motor cortex by transcranial direct current stimulation after stroke 唐志威 亞東紀念醫院 神經內科 Chih-Wei Tang Department of Neurology, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital |
16:20–16:40 |
非編碼長核糖核酸MALAT1在急性缺血性中風的角色 The role of long noncoding RNA "MALAT1" in acute ischemic stroke 紀乃方1,2, 陳龍1, 邱弘毅2,3, 胡朝榮1,2 1台北醫學大學雙和醫院神經內科, 2台北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所, 3台北醫學大學公共衛生學系 Nai-Fang Chi Department of Neurology, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University |
座長 | 林永煬/劉嘉為 |
16:40-17:00 |
神經幹細胞與神經血管再生 Neural stem cells and neurovascular regeneration 周中興 三軍總醫院神經科部 Chung-Hsing Chou Department of Neurology, Tri-Service General Hospital |
17:00-17:20 |
競合 Co-opetition 謝鎮陽1,2,3,4 1台南新樓醫院神經內科, 2成大醫院神經部, 3成大臨藥所, 4成大醫療效益研究中心 Cheng-Yang Hsieh1,2,3,4 1Department of Neurology, Tainan Sin Lau Hospital 2Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital 3Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, National Cheng Kung University 4Health Outcome Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan |
座長 | 劉嘉為 |
17:20-17:30 |
綜合討論 Discussion |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
Lunch Symposium | |
座長 | 傅維仁 |
12:00-12:05 | Opening Remarks |
12:05–12:45 |
NOACs AF中風預防: 證據領航 NOACs for Stroke prevention in AF: Navigate the Updated Evidences Vincent Thijs Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Astralia |
座長 | 劉嘉為 |
12:45-13:15 |
NOACs 亞洲族群分析:臨床應用與分享 NOACs in Asian: Step into Real World 陳柏霖 台中榮民總醫院 Po-Lin Chen Taichung Veterans General Hospital |
13:15-13:25 | Panel Discussion |
13:25-13:30 | Closing Remarks |
(Room B,5樓會議廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
臨床治療 III Clinical Practice III |
座長 | 林瑞泰 |
14:30-15:00 |
多學科協作治療高危頸動脈狹窄 Multidisciplinary Collaboration for Treatment of High-risk Patients with Carotid Stenosis 王濤 北京大學第三醫院神經外科, 腦血管病中心 Tao Wang Stroke Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Peking University Third Hospital |
座長 | 胡漢華 |
15:00-15:30 |
症狀性顱內動脈狹窄患者防治的挑戰 The Challenge of Stroke Prevention and Treatment with Symptomatic Intracranial Arterial Stenosis 李小剛 北京大學第三醫院神經内科, 腦血管病中心 Xiao-Gang Li Stroke Center, Department of Neurology, Peking University Third Hospital |
座長 | 胡漢華 |
15:30-16:00 |
2015台灣腦中風學會 "腦中風危險因子防治指引:高血壓" 更新 Guidelines for the prevention of stroke: management of the risk factor of hypertension 2015 update from Taiwan Stroke Society 趙雅琴1 ;林宗憲2 ;林清煌3 ;陳志弘4 ;張谷州5 ;陳龍6 ;黃馨儀6 ;傅維仁7 ;林雅如7 ;呂建榮8 ;胡漢華9 1高醫大神經科, 2高醫大心臟科, 3高榮神經科, 4成大神經科, 5高長神經科, 6雙和醫院神經科暨藥劑科, 7馬偕醫院神經科, 8恩主公醫院神經科, 9北醫大神經科 A-Ching Chao Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital |
座長 | 林慧娟 |
16:00-16:30 |
Fabry disease-年輕型腦中風的危險因子篩檢 Fabry Disease- Risk Screening in Young Stroke 李宗海 林口長庚紀念醫院腦中風中心及神經內科 Tsong-Hai Lee Stroke Center and Department of Neurology, Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital |
(B2F宴會廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
東亞中風論壇 | |
座長 | 林瑞泰 |
8:30–9:10 |
Current Strategy of Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment in Japan Koji Abe, MD, PhD Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama University |
座長 | 胡漢華/高明見 |
9:10-9:50 |
Recent trends in the treatment of hyperacute ischemic stroke in Korea Beom Joon Kim, MD.PhD Department of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
9:50–10:00 | Break |
座長 | 李宗海/鄧木火 |
10:00-10:40 |
台灣腦血管疾病急性治療策略 Current Strategy of Acute Stroke Treatment in Taiwan 張谷州 高雄長庚醫院神經內科系腦血管科, 高雄長庚醫院出院準備服務中心, 長庚大學醫學院醫學系 Ku-Chou Chang Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department of Neurology and Discharge Service Center, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Department of Medicine, Medical School, Chang Gung University, Taiwan |
座長 | 葉守正/謝鎮陽 |
10:40-11:20 |
Comparison of Current Strategy of Acute Stroke Treatment in USA and China Prof. David Wang Director, OSF/INI Stroke Network Director, Comprehensive Stroke Center at OSF SFMC Director, Stroke Fellowship, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria Co-Chair, Quality and Safety Subcommittee, American Academy of Neurology Executive Associate Editor, Stroke & Vascular Neurology, Chinese Stroke Association |
座長 | 林瑞泰/胡漢華/高明見/李宗海/鄧木火/葉守正/謝鎮陽 |
11:20-11:30 |
綜合討論 Discussion |
(B2F宴會廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
專題演講 Keynote Speech |
座長 | 林瑞泰/葉守正 |
13:30-14:20 |
Vascular Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia Ken Nagata Director of Neurology, Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita, Japan |
(B2F宴會廳) November 8, 2015 (Sunday) | |
神經超音波繼續教育課程:以超音波引導腦血管疾病之診斷與治療 Neurosonology CME: Ultrasound driven vascular neurology: diagnosis and treatment |
14:30-14:35 |
Opening 胡漢華 |
座長 | 彭家勛/李宗海/林信光 |
14:35-14:55 |
以超音波引導腦血管疾病之診斷與治療 Ultrasound driven vascular neurology: diagnosis and treatment 許弘毅 童綜合醫院 Hung-Yi Hsu Section of Neurology, Tungs’ Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital |
14:55-15:15 |
頸動脈狹窄程度之超音波診斷 Carotid arteries: classification of stenosis by sonography 李俊泰1, 彭家勛1,2, 林俊杰1, 宋岳峰1, 周中興1, 許燿東1, 林健群1 1三軍總醫院神經科部, 2臺北榮民總醫院新竹分院 Jiunn-Tay Lee Department of Neurology, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center |
15:15-15:35 |
顱內血管狹窄之超音波診斷 Sonographic diagnosis of intracranial arterial stenosis 張寓智 長庚大學醫學系暨林口長庚醫學中心 神經內科系 腦血管科 Yeu-Jhy Chang Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou |
15:35-15:45 | Break |
座長 | 鄭建興/連立明 |
15:45-16:05 |
脊椎動脈疾病之超音波診斷 Sonographic diagnosis of vertebral artery diseases 呂建榮 恩主公醫院 神經內科 Chien Jung Lu Department of Neurology, En Chu Kong Hospital |
16:05-16:25 |
以穿顱超音波診斷右向左分流 TCD Detection of Right-to Left Shunt 韓珂1, 胡漢華2 1吉林大學第一醫院神經內科, 2台北醫學大學 Ke Han Department of Neurology, First Hospital of Jilin University |
座長 | 陳廷耀, 傅維仁 |
16:25-16:55 |
實作示範 Demonstration and hands-on section |
以激化生理食鹽水診斷右向左分流 Agitated saline test for detecting right-to-left shunt 韓珂 吉林大學第一醫院 |
鎖骨下動脈竊血現象之缺血測試 Ischemic test for subclavian steal phenomenon 林雅如, 傅維仁, 王淑芬 馬偕醫院神經科腦中風中心 Ya-Ju Lin Department of Neurology, Stroke center, MacKay memorial hospital |
以穿顱B-模超音波測量大腦中線偏移 Measurement of mid-line shift by TCCS 葉旭霖, 連立明 新光醫院 Hsu-Ling Yeh Department of Neurology, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital |
16:55:-17:00 |
Closing remark 林瑞泰 |
(Room A,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
口頭論文發表 Oral Presentation |
座長 | 林秀芬/任森利 |
16:30-16:40 |
由未確定來源的栓塞性中風至確定來源的栓塞性中風 From ESUS (embolic stroke of undetermined source) to ESDS (embolic stroke of determined source) 林惠甄1, 劉嘉為1,2 1高雄長庚醫院神經內科,2高雄長庚醫院神經內科腦中風中心 Lin Hui-Chen1, Liou Chia-Wei1,2 1Department of Neurology, 2stroke center, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital |
16:40-16:50 |
緊急醫療救護人員到院前判斷急性腦中風三小時:台南市的五年經驗 Pre-hospital Identification of Stroke Onset Less than 3 Hours by Emergency Medical Technician: a 5-year Citywide Experience of Tainan 謝鎮陽1-3, 陳志弘2, 謝函潔2, 宋碧姍2, 林志豪4 1新樓醫院神經內科, 2成大醫院腦中風中心暨神經部, 3成大醫療效益研究中心, 4成大醫院急診部 Cheng-Yang Hsieh1-3, Chih-Hung Chen3, Han-Chieh Hsieh3, Pi-Shan Sung3, Chih-Hao Lin4 1Department of Neurology, Tainan Sin Lau Hospital 2Health Outcome Research Center, National Cheng Kung University Hospital 3Stroke Center and Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital 4Department of Emergency Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan |
16:50-17:00 |
從申報資料中找出急性腦中風病人: 管理者使用的方法是正確嗎? Identifying Acute Stroke Patients from Claims Data: Is The Algorithm Stakeholders Use Adequate? 謝鎮陽1,2, 陳瑋芬1, 陳滄山1 1新樓醫院神經內科, 2成大醫療效益研究中心 Cheng-Yang Hsieh1,2, Wei-Fen Chen1, Tsang-Shan Chen1 1Department of Neurology, Tainan Sin Lau Hospital 2Health Outcome Research Center, National Cheng Kung University Hospital |
17:00-17:10 |
FAST是否適合使用於台灣國小學生中風防治識能衛生教育介入 陳龍1,2,3, 劉潔心3 1臺北醫學大學醫學系 2臺北醫學大學-部立雙和醫院神經科 3國立台灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系 |
17:10-17:20 |
親代中風病史對頸動脈內膜厚度增厚之影響 Age and sex differences in the effect of parental stroke on the progression of carotid intima-media thickness 林秀芬1, 黃玲鈞1, 陳俊鴻1, 林瑞泰1, 卓夙航2 1高雄醫學大學附設醫院神經內科, 2高雄醫學大學附設醫院臨床醫學研究部 Hsiu-Fen Lin, MD1, Ling-Chun Huang, MD1, Chun-Hung Chen, MD1, Ruey-Tay Lin, MD1, and Suh-Hang Hank Juo, MD, PhD2 1Department of Neurology 2Department of Medical Research, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
17:20-17:30 |
侷限性指端症候群:隙洞型中風? Resctricted Acral Sensory Syndrome: Lacunar Syndrome ? 何承叡1, 楊宗霈2, 林宏昇3, 陳偉熹4 高雄長庚紀念醫院神經科 Chen-Jui Ho, Tsung-Pei Yang, Hung-Sheng Lin, Wei-Hsi Chen Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital, and College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Koahsiung, Taiwan |
17:30-17:40 |
心房顫動對以血栓溶解劑治療的大血管性急性腦中風的影響 The Influence of Atrial Fibrillation on Large Vessel Occlusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke, a 145 patients, six-year experience in China Medical University Hospital 黃虹瑜1, 劉崇祥1,2, 黃偉師1,2, 蔡崇豪1,2, 王春茹1, 郭育呈1,2 Hung-Yu Huang1, Chung-Hsiang Liu1,2, Wei-Shih Huang1,2, Chon-Haw Tsai1,2, Chun-Ju Wang1, Yuh-Cherng Guo1,2 1Department of Neurology, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung 2School of Medicine, College of Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung |
17:40-17:50 |
探討PACAP38/PAC1之訊息傳遞與骨髓幹細胞移行及腦中風之關係 PACAP38/PAC1 Signaling Induces Bone Marrow-Derived Cells Homing to Ischemic Brain 林振寰, 江俊緯, 劉詩平, 林欣榮, 許重義, 謝佳宏, 徐偉成 中國醫藥大學免疫學研究所, 基礎醫學研究所, 臨床醫學研究所 CHEN-HUAN LIN, CHUN-WEI CHIANG, SHIH-PING LIU, SHINN-ZONG LIN, CHUNG Y. HSU, CHIA-HUNG HSIEH, WOEI-CHERNG SHYU Graduate Institute of Immuology, Basic Science and Clinical Medicine of China Medical University, Taichung Taiwan |
17:50-18:00 |
腦中風後性欲亢進之醫療和倫理爭議 Medical and Ethical Debate on Poststroke Hypersexuality 陳偉熹1,2, 高宜君2, 林宛瑾2, 簡佳璋2,3, 林燕卿3 高雄長庚紀念醫院神經科1, 樹德科技大學人類性學研究所2, 義大醫院精神科3 Wei-Hsi Chen1,2, I-Chun Kao2, Wan-Jin Lin2, Chia-Chang Chien2,3, Yen-Chin Lin2 1Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 2Graduate Institute of Human Sexuality, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 3Department of Psychiatry, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan |
18:00-18:10 |
李悌愷教授論文獎 動脈剝離所造成的後循環區域缺血性中風之特性與不良預後因子 Posterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke Caused by Arterial Dissection: Characteristics and Predictors of Poor Outcomes 張豐基1,3、楊進勝2、黃蕙琦2、蔡瑞窈2、盛文鴦2、胡漢華2,3、鍾芷萍2,3 臺北榮總放射線部1、臺北榮總神經醫學中心神經內科2、國立陽明大學醫學系3 Feng-Chi Chang1,3, Chin-Sern Yong2, Hui-Chi Huang2, Jui-Yao Tsai2, Wen-Yung Sheng2, Han-Hwa Hu2,3, Chih-Ping Chung2,3 1Departments of Radiology and Neurology, 2Taipei Veterans General Hospital 3School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan |
18:10-18:20 |
日新論文獎 腎臟功能不良是否與腦中風靜脈血栓溶解治療後之不良結果相關? 謝鎮陽1,2、林慧娟3、宋昇峯4、謝函潔5、賴嘉鎮2、陳志弘5 台南新樓醫院神經內科1、成功大學臨藥所2、奇美醫學中心神經內科3、嘉義基督教醫院神經內科4、成功大學附設醫院神經內科5 Is Renal Dysfunction Associated with Adverse Stroke Outcome after Thrombolytic Therapy? Cheng-Yang Hsieh1,2, Huey-Juan Lin3, Sheng-Feng Sung4, Han-Chieh Hsieh5, Edward Chia-Cheng Lai2, Chih-Hung Chen5 1Department of Neurology, Tainan Sin Lau Hospital 2Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, National Cheng Kung University 3Department of Neurology, Chi-Mei Medical Center 4Division of Neurology, Department of Internal Medicine, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital 5Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital |
(Room C,5樓會議廳) November 7, 2015 (Saturday) | |
壁報論文 Poster Presentation (現場報告時間:17:00-17:30) |
座長 | 葉宗勳/葉伯壽/孫明輝 |
1 |
出血性轉化於接受胞漿素原活化劑治療之缺血性腦中風病患之臨床寓意 Clinical Implication of Hemorrhagic Transformation in Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator 何柏陵1,2, 陳龍3, 陳建甫2, 林秀芬2, 林瑞泰2, 趙雅琴2, 胡漢華4 1大同醫院神經內科, 2高雄醫學大學附設醫院神經內科, 3雙和醫院神經內科, 4台北醫學大學神經學科 Bo-Lin Ho1,2, Lung Chan3, Chien-Fu Chen2, Hsiu-Fen Lin2, Ruey-Tay Lin2, A-Ching Chao2, Han Hwa Hu4 1Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital 2Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital and Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 3Department of Neurology, Taipei Medical University-Shaung Ho Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 4Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine and Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University and Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan |
2 |
急性缺血性腦中風病患接受靜脈血栓溶解劑治療後出血之危險因子:以某醫院為基礎之結果 Risk Factors of Hemorrhagic Transformation following Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: A Hospital-Base Result 陳綺晴1, 洪婉婷2, 洪玉玲3, 黃慧芬1, 王明珠4, 陳俊鴻4 1高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院護理部 2高雄市立小港醫院(委託高雄醫學大學經營) 管理室 3高雄市立小港醫院(委託高雄醫學大學經營) 護理部 4高雄市立小港醫院(委託高雄醫學大學經營) 神經科 Chi-Ching Chen1, Wan-Ting Hung2, Yu-Ling Hung3, Hui-Fen Huang1, Ming-Chu Wang4, Chun-Hung Chen4 1Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2Department of Management, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 3Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 4Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
3 |
缺血性中風患者罹患脊椎骨折的風險:全人口資料庫研究 Risk of vertebral Fracture After Ischemic Stroke: a nationwide population-based cohort study 吳界欣, 林志隆 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院神經外科 Chieh-Hsin Wu , Chih-Lung Lin Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
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中風後肺炎一年的失能在台灣的相關性研究 The Association of Post-stroke Pneumonia and One-Year disability in Taiwan 黃蕙琦, 陳昌明, 許立奇, 盛文鴦, 蔡瑞窈, 林靜薇 臺北榮民總醫院 Hui-Chi Huang1, Chang-Ming Chern2,3, Li-Chi Hsu2,3, Wen-Yung Sheng2, Jui-Yao Tsai1, Ching-Wei Lin1 1Department of Nursing, Taipei Veterans General Hospital 2Department of Neurology ,Taipei Veterans General Hospital 3National Yang Ming University, School of Medicine |
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中風後肺炎一年存活率在台灣的風險 The Risk of Post-stroke Pneumonia and Its One-Year Survival in Taiwan 黃蕙琦, 陳昌明, 許立奇, 盛文鴦, 蔡瑞窈, 林靜薇 臺北榮民總醫院 Hui-Chi Huang1, Chang-Ming Chern2,3, Li-Chi Hsu2,3, Wen-Yung Sheng2, Jui-Yao Tsai1, Ching-Wei Lin1 1Department of Nursing, Taipei Veterans General Hospital 2Department of Neurology ,Taipei Veterans General Hospital 3National Yang Ming University, School of Medicine |
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磁振造影為診斷之初次缺血性中風病患存活與功能預後之預測因子 Factors predictive of poor outcome in Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based First-Time Ischemic Stroke 賈曉燕1, 黄明1, 鄒亞芬1, 唐江威1, 陳丹1, 楊光明2, 盧成憲4 1廈門長庚醫院神經內科, 2廈門長庚醫院放射科, 3高雄長庚醫院神經內科 Xiao-Yan Jia1, Ming Huang1, Ya-Fen Zou1, Jiang Wei Tang1, Dan Chen1, Gung-Ming Yang2, Cheng-Hsien Lu3 Department of 1Neurology and 2Radiology, Xiamen Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Xiamen, Fujian, China 3Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
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初次自發性腦出血病患存活與功能預後之預測因子 Factors predictive of outcome after first-event spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage 鄒亞芬1, 賈曉燕1, 黄明1, 唐江威1, 陳丹1, 楊光明2, 張波3, 盧成憲4 1廈門長庚醫院神經內科, 2廈門長庚醫院放射科, 3廈門長庚醫院神經外科, 4高雄長庚醫院神經內科 Ya-Fen Zou1, Xiao-Yan Jia1, Ming Huang1, Jiang Wei Tang1, Dan Chen1, Gung-Ming Yang2, Bo Zhang3, Cheng-Hsien Lu4 Department of 1Neurology, 2Radiology and 3Neurosurgery, Xiamen Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Xiamen, Fujian, China 2Department of Neurology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Kaohsiung Medical Center, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
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心源性中風的踝肱血壓指數和踝臂脈搏波傳導速度和其他中風類型之間的差異 Differences of Ankle-Brachial indexes and Ankle-Brachial pulse wave velocity between cardioembolic strokes and other stroke subtypes 鄭涵心, 邱映倫, 葉守正 澄清綜合醫院中港分院 神經內科澄清綜合醫院中港分院 Han-Hsin Cheng, Yin-lun Chiou, Shoou-Jeng Yeh Department of Neurology, Cheng Ching Hospital |
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睡眠相關年輕型腦中風的臨床特徵 The clinical characteristics of wake-up stroke in young stroke 楊珊慈1, 蔡金玲1, 鄭秀玲1, 洪玉玲1, 蔡嘉展1,2, 謝升文1,2 1高雄市立小港醫院神經內科, 2高雄醫學大學附設醫院神經內科 Shan-Tzu Yang1, Chin-Ling Tsai1, Hsiu-Ling Cheng1, Yu-Ling Hung1,Chia-Chan Tsai1,2, Sun-Wung Hsieh1,2 1Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital 2Department of Neurology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University |
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Rescue the occluded basilar artery You-Chia Chen1, Chaur-Jong Hu1,2, Nai-Fang Chi1,2, Lung Chan1,2 1Department of Neurology, Taipei Medical University-Shuang-Ho Hospital 2Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University |
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Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Vertebral Artery Dissection You-Chia Chen1, Lung Chan1,2 1Department of Neurology, Taipei Medical University-Shuang-Ho Hospital 2Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University |
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Transient cortical blindness and amnesia after cerebral angiography Tzu-Hsiang Ko1, Wei-Ting Chiu1, Yen-Tung Chao1, Lung Chan1,2 1Department of Neurology, Taipei Medical University-Shuang-Ho Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan 2Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan |
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穿顱超音波診斷的椎基底動脈灌流不足之病患系列分析 Analysis of Patients Diagnosed as Vertebra-basilar Insufficiency by Transcranial Doppler 紀心怡1, 林余亭1, 吳致螢2 1彰化秀傳醫院神經內科, 2嘉義長庚醫院神經內科 Shin-I Chi1, Yu-Ting Lin1, Chih-Ying Wu2 1Department of Neurology, Changhua Show Chwan Memorial Hospital 2Department of Neurology, Chiayi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital |
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以亞急性雙下肢麻痺為表現的脊髓硬腦膜動靜脈廔管:病例報告 Spinal Dural Arterial-venous Fistula Presented with Subacute Paraplegia: Case Report 紀心怡1, 洪翠虹1, 黃華思2, 熊海明3 1彰化秀傳醫院神經內科, 2彰化秀傳醫院放射科, 3彰化秀傳醫院神經外科 Shin-I Chi1, Cui-Hong Hong1, Hua-Si Huang2, Hai-Ming Xiong3 1Department of Neurology, Changhua Show Chwan Memorial Hospital 2Department of Radiology, Changhua Show Chwan Memorial Hospital 3Department of Neurosurgeon, Changhua Show Chwan Memorial Hospital |
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動眼神經束狀梗塞擬似糖尿病動眼神經病變:一病例報告及文獻探討 Oculomotor Fascicular Infarction Mimicking Diabetic Oculomotor Mononeuropathy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature 鍾紀培1, 陳蔚邦1, 吳彥廷2, 曾人政3 1國仁醫院神經內科, 2國仁醫院行政部, 3國仁醫院急診部 Chi-Pei Chung1, Wei-Ban Chen1, Yen-Ting Wu2, Cheng-Ren Tseng3 1Department of Neurology, Golden Hospital 2Department of Administration, Golden Hospital 3Department of Emergency Medicine, Golden Hospital |